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Until today it has not found any cure for this disease. I can not give any solution to the disease but ...

Shared by Beatriz on 2014-02-18 11:18

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Until today it has not found any cure for this disease. I can not give any solution to the disease ... but I can always write my story. Sturge Weber Syndrome better known as epilepsy is a rare disease. A disease that can be controlled only by medical medication so I will not give any advice on any pill or medicine that I am taking. Should only take medications prescribed by your health: This is a very important factor. My story began when I was four. At that time he lived in Amadora and woke up crying a lot without saying anything to get. My parents were married at the time took me to the hospital. I was assisted by several doctors and nurses and then it was discovered that the disease was complicated. I can not tell you my time in hospital. Was a child who did not know what was happening. There was a time when I was hospitalized for a month, but there are excellent professionals had my back. Since the four years I was controlled by medication prescribed by my doctor:. Dr. Eulalia Draft: neurological medical Pediatrics Hospital D. Estefania. Right now I have twenty five years and I know dealing with my illness. A council cares enough is never stop taking your medication prescribed by your doctor. Typically persons who have these diseases tend to be too protected. This causes the familiar mess in a dome. It seems that we are glass and we can not leave. What I am saying seems to be too cold, but ... is not. When we are young and we are dependent on our parents it seems fine, but over the years and see whether we lose good and bad experiences of our age begin to see that is not so good. Today I regret many things. Things I could have done and did not. The first of all was to be more open with people, do not be too timid and insecure. Do not fear nor be afraid of facing life. Having trusted friends with whom he could tell them to me. Now with the help of a psychologist I am trying to start a new life. I live in a hot air with a worried all the time mom got a balloon epileptic seizure. Two months ago I had a fairly strong. I do not remember anything. When we only have those who help us do know what happened. This is one of the symptoms of my disease. After a crisis does not remember what happened. I already deal with these crises in a natural way. Is my illness and not ashamed to talk about it. Belongs to me, I was born with it and will probably have to live with it every day of my life. I classify myself as a normal person just like all the others only with some limitations, but these will gradually overtaking. There are other symptoms that can describe to people who have not discovered the disease may be able to identify it as soon as you can. This disease is usually generated in a pregnant woman in the embryonic period. It starts when we are a small ervilhinha inside the belly of our hand. The symptoms are many. The strongest are the seizures that is kind tremors and shocks. Many of us are born with a pink spot on the edge of the face that is connected to the brain. This extreme of the brain is damaged, with a malformation of veins. This causes us to have epileptic seizures. Lack of mobilization in the arm and the opposite leg stain on the face. Other symptoms is to see multicolored lights. Do not let yourself go down. Fight and not give up on living life and care must be courageous and natural with yourself. It is a disease that you can live with. If I get why others failed? Tell your mo look at my publication and tell your stories. I'll be waiting for you!

This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.

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