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Cultural institutions read poetry to alleviate people’s day

sara.di.fabio@p... 于 2020-04-22 17:35 分享

About the solution

In Lisbon, workers from Casa Fernando Pessoa and from EGEAC (Empresa de Gestão de Equipamentos e Animação Cultural, E.M.) started the initiative ‘Readings to the Ear’ to maintain the connection between Casa Fernando Pessoa and the public during COVID-19 pandemic. As part of this initiative, workers from those institutions are offering to call anyone interested and read them small poems and other texts.

Initially, to keep people connected with poetry, the institutions started sharing poems everyday, on their social networks. However, to make sure they could keep in touch even with those who are not connected to social media, they started this initiative to call people. Anyone who is interested in the service can register to participate.

"As communications are very much based on social networks, the request is made for people to spread the word to those who, being far away, may have their days alleviated by these readings," said someone from Casa Fernando Pessoa.

Adapted from: https://mag.sapo.pt/showbiz/artigos/leituras-ao-ouvido-trabalhadores-da-...
More information: https://egeac.pt/leituras-ao-ouvido/


DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com


Casa Fernando Pessoa, a cultural space in Lisbon, and the municipal equipment management and cultural animation company (EGEAC) launched the initiative ‘Readings to the Ear’ to share poetry with the community and alleviate people's days during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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