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Bling Sticks, decorated walking aids

Ana Duarte 于 2016-01-06 15:05 分享

About the solution

At first Dawn tried to continue walking around un-aided, but after several wobbles and falls during a bad relapse, a friend talked her into using a stick which made her feel very uncomfortable in public: “There is a lot of stigma surrounding young people using a stick. Unless you have a sticker on your forehead that says “I have MS” people don’t understand why you need one - because you are young”. Dawn decided to paint and customize her sticks to match her outfits and handbags, and she was inspired by the positive attention they received. She started to decorate mobility aids for other members of her support group.

Dawn customizes all kinds of walking aids.

The inventor designs “football themed” Blingsticks, “hen night” Blingsticks, posh glitzy “dinner dance” Blingsticks, and many more.
The wedding range is one of her proudest achievements. Sticks can be covered in the same material as the bride’s dress and customers can request to have their names or photos on her creations too. Function is still fundamental and they are made as robust as possible – but mobility aid doesn’t have to come in dull shades of grey.

Dawn’s endeavour is simple: she wants to offer men and women a little extra help walking, and a little more confidence to “step out”. The Blingsticks mission is "to put a spring and a ‘BLING’ in your step so that you may walk around with pride, and a unique, cool, contemporary style of your own."

More info: https://www.facebook.com/Blingsticks/

Adapted from: http://www.bespoken.me/forum/topics/dawn-s-tory-by-rosie-ince

What about you, do you have any solutions? Please share them with the Patient Innovation community!


DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com


Dawn Banton, born in 1974, in UK, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2009. She created the Bling Sticks, fashionable customized sticks to help her walk around.

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