


Avoid skin wounds

My father is 80 years old and has Alzheimer's. When not busy tends to scratch up the face and head. He has clear and fragile skin, so wounds easily occur. What in his case is more serious because it's that he is also are diabetic. We have found that the fact that the facial hair (nose, ears, eyebrows, beard) and nails are grown slightly, substantially increased the frequency sometimes almost obsessive behavior; as well as other less frequent but more physically onerous, like scratching the genitals; or least burdensome as clean nails.

Avoiding meal distractions

My father is 80 years old and has Alzheimer's. Still has fine motor autonomy (eg, use cutlery). However, any physical detail what can confuse and disrupt, causing him to give up what he can still do for you. All the dishes we use at home have drawings of flowers and colored small branches around the rim (my mom likes bright colors, everywhere). Three months ago I noticed that he was trying to pick up food on the rim of the dish, rather than at its center and spent much time on this "quest", eventually got bored and gave up eating.

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