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About the solution
Ellie is a smart pill organizer developed in the U.S. that simplifies medication management, helping users stay on track with their medication schedules. Since its launch in 2016, Ellie has become a reliable tool for people who need to manage multiple medications daily. The system lets users organize their pills by type, not by time, so refills are simple and flexible. This approach allows users to quickly refill the compartments without worrying about specific times for each pill, ensuring medications are always organized properly. Once set up, Ellie sends friendly reminders with fun trivia and riddles when it's time to take medication. The pill box features a light system that illuminates to guide users to the right pill compartment, ensuring they take the correct pills in the right amounts. The Ellie Pill Box is regulated by the FDA as a medical device under the product code "NXQ" (medication reminder devices)
Ellie’s "smart alarms" adjust to the user’s schedule, even if they take their medication at different times. If the user misses a dose, Ellie sends a second reminder and alerts them on their phone. The EllieGrid app tracks if the user is taking their medication on time and creates reports for caregivers, letting them know if any doses are missed.
Ellie can store various pill sizes and hold enough medication for up to 30 days, making it flexible for different needs.
Key Features:
• Organizes pills by type for easy refills.
• Sends notifications with trivia or riddles as reminders.
• Smart alarms adjust to users' schedules.
• Light system helps users pick the right pills.
• Tracks medication adherence with the EllieGrid app.
• Sends caregiver notifications if doses are missed.
• Holds up to 30 days’ worth of medication in various sizes.
For more information:
This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.
DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com
Device to monitor Epilepsy seizures
Assistive Daily Life Device (to help ADL)
Enhancing health literacy
Promoting self-management
Managing Neurological Disorders
To implement a diagnostic tool
To improve Treatment/Therapy
Raise awareness
Caregiving Support
General and Family Medicine
Internal Medicine
United Kingdom
Collaborator Pierluigi Mantovani creates Evolution Devices - solutions that aim to transform Multiple Sclerosis Management
BODY BALANCE: Maintaining body balance
STANDING UP: Standing up from a seated position
WALKING: Walking
Multiple Sclerosis
Assistive Daily Life Device (to help ADL)
Walking Aid (wheelchair/walker/crutches)
App (Including when connected with wearable)
AI algorithm
Body-Worn solutions (Clothing, accessories, shoes, sensors...)
Restoring mobility
Regaining sensory function
Managing pain
Promoting self-management
Preserving Organ Function
Managing Neurological Disorders
Maintaining Balance and Mobility
To improve Treatment/Therapy
Preventing (Vaccination, Protection, Falls, Research/Mapping)
Raise awareness
Caregiving Support
General and Family Medicine
Internal Medicine
Medical Genetics
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
United States
Scan4myHealth | Real-time solution for monitoring patient vital signs
COMMUNICATION: Communicating, whether by speaking, listening, or other means
App (Including when connected with wearable)
AI algorithm
Assistive Daily Life Device (to help ADL)
Promoting self-management
To implement medical examination
Restoring heart health
Managing diabetes
Manage Medication
Rehabilitating After Stroke
Preventing (Vaccination, Protection, Falls, Research/Mapping)
Caregiving Support
General and Family Medicine
Internal Medicine
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation