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Mohammad, Founder & CEO of the Avey App, is the father of a son with a chronic illness who aims to transform the healthcare experience.

Joana Santos Afonso 于 2024-01-04 21:36 分享

About the solution

Avey is a transformative healthcare solution inspired by a family's challenging journey when their young son fell ill with a chronic condition. It has garnered over 1.1 million downloads worldwide, boasting a remarkable 93% accuracy rate and offering coverage for 80% of common diseases. With 53,000 followers on social media, it has built a strong community of 110 communities and connects users with 1,700+ doctors and services.

Avey's mission is to empower individuals with a self-diagnostic system and guide them on personalized health journeys. The vision is to revolutionize healthcare globally. Dr. Mohammad Hammoud, the Founder & CEO, holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and is a leading expert in distributed systems, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence.

Avey's standout features include its AI-powered self-diagnosis, enabling users to receive accurate medical assessments by answering simple questions. It also facilitates easy booking of doctor appointments and treatments, both in-person and virtually. The platform provides a seamless shopping experience for prescribed medicines and health products, with door-to-door delivery. Avey fosters community by connecting like-minded individuals to share experiences and support. The technology behind Avey's self-diagnostic algorithm has undergone extensive research and development by a team of experts, resulting in a proprietary AI model and a sophisticated inference engine.

Furthermore, the Avey app is free on Android and iOS platforms.

Source of information: https://avey.ai/who-we-are
Follow on: https://avey.ai/ | https://www.facebook.com/aveyqa | https://www.instagram.com/avey.qa |
Contacts: https://www.linkedin.com/company/avey-ai/ | linkedin.com/in/mohammad-hammoud | support@avey.ai


DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com


Dr. Mohammad Hammoud, the visionary Founder & CEO of Avey, holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Pittsburgh, USA. His expertise spans distributed systems, cloud computing, and parallel computer architectures, with a particular focus on scalable distributed systems for artificial intelligence, information retrieval, and graph mining applications. Driven by a passion for helping his son with a chronic illness, he founded Avey to address critical health challenges and transform the healthcare experience.

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